所属部门: 软件工程系
电子邮件: jingwang@nankai.edu.cn
职 称: 副教授
学 历: 博士
所学专业: 电子与计算机工程
研究方向: 计算机图形与图像
1992-1996 本科 北京航空航天大学
1996-1999 硕士 中科院自动化所
1999-2001 中兴通讯上海一所
2001-2005 PhD Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Rutgers University, USA
Relief Texture From Specularities
Jing Wang, Kristin J. Dana
“IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)”,
March 2006, Volume 26, Number 3, pp. 446-457, 2006
Compression of View Dependent Displacement Maps
Jing Wang, Kristin J. Dana
“The 4th international workshop on texture analysis and synthesis” Oct. 2005
Hybrid Textons: Modeling Surfaces with Reflectance and Geometry
Jing Wang, Kristin J. Dana
“International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition” Jul. 2004
A Novel Approach for Texture Shape Recovery
Jing Wang, Kristin J. Dana
“International Conference on Computer Vision” Oct. 2003
Device for convenient measurement of spatially varying bidirectional reflectance
Kristin J. Dana, Jing Wang
“Journal of the Optical Society of America A” Jan. 2004
计算机视觉, 计算机图形学